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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Favorite Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe

 Favorite Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet  Indian Tribe

Early 1900s photo of Blackfoot Indian Eagle Arrow photographed in Montana. For more photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Historic Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe (

1910 photograph of Blackfoot Indian  "Little Plume" More great color photos of the Blackfeet Indians  Native American Indian Pictures and History: Photo Gallery of the Blackfeet/ Blackfoot Indian Tipis and Camps (

1913 Photo by Roland Reed titled, "The Eagle." Depicting Blackfoot Indians at Glacier National Park.

Believed to be Little Bear Chief photographed in 1891

1916 photo of a Blackfoot Indian man in Glacial National Park in Montana.

Blackfoot Indian Princess,  Photo by Roland Reed, 1915.

1890 Studio photo of a Blackfoot Indian woman and child taken in Calgary, Canada.

Blackfoot Indian woman "Dawn Mist".

1902 photo of a  Blackfoot man with a medicine wheel photographed in Montana. 

A Blackfoot Indian at Glacier National Park in Montana.