Monday, January 30, 2012

Shoshone Indian Pictures

Shoshoni Indian Photos and Images
Shoshone Chief  Bear

Shoshone Indian Guides and Lewis and Clark

Shoshone Indians Group Photo

Shoshone Indians Photo

Shoshoni Indians Sun Dance

Two photos, One of a Shoshone Indian Family and a Single Shoshone Male Warrior

Shoshone Indian Women and Children

Shoshone Indian Women and Children in Front of a Tipi

Young Shoshone Indian Warriors

Shoshone Indian with pipe depicted in painting

Shoshone Indian Chief

Shoshone Indian Women and Girls Photographed in front of a Tipi

Drawing of a Shoshone Indian Woman with a Small Child

Shoshone Indian Village Photo

Shoshone Indians Photographed in with Tipis

Shoshone Indians Village and Inhabitants Photo

Shoshone Indian Women and Small Child

Shoshone Indian

Graves at the Shoshone Indian Reservation

Shoshone Indians Photographed on the Reservation

Shoshone Man and Woman

Read More About the Shoshone Native American Here
Shoshone and History of Native Americans