Showing posts with label Blackfeet Indians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackfeet Indians. Show all posts

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Historic Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe

 Historic Native American Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe

Blackfoot Indian woman with child

The Blackfeet Indian Chief called Son of Duck circa 1920s

Blackfoot Indian called Raw Eater

Son of Duck, Blackfeet Indian Chief

Photographic profile of the Blackfoot Indians color photos of Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indians (

Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian photo of Rough Hair circa, 1900

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Blackfeet Indian Tribe Color Photo

 Blackfeet Indian Tribe  Color Photo

Blackfeet Indian called  "Black Plume" - Photo taken in 1895  More great color photos of the Blackfeet (Blackfoot Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Photo Gallery of the Blackfeet/ Blackfoot Indian Tipis and Camps (

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp

 Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp

Early 20th century color tinted photo of a Blackfeet Indian tribes painted tipis. For more photos of Blackfeet Indian women Native American Indian Pictures and History: Blackfoot Women Photo Gallery (

Early 20th century colorized photo of a Blackfeet Indian tipi in Montana. For more color photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp (

Turn of the century colorized photo of the Blackfeet in Montana erecting a large tipi lodge for what may be the Sun dance ritual. 

Beautiful early 20th century photo of a woman and her baby emerging from a tipi in Montana.

Blackfeet Indian woman photographed in Montana with her children in this rare colorized print.

Blackfeet Indian boy and girls playing. Colorized slide from the early 20th century in Montana.

Blackfeet Indian girls playing house in their "pretend" tipi from the early 20th century.

Rare Colorized Slides of the Blackfeet Indian Tribe

 Rare Colorized Slides of the Blackfeet Indian Tribe

Blackfeet Indian warriors on horseback photographed passing a tipi with beautiful artwork. For more photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Historic Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe (

Men and boy of the Brave Dog Society marching at their Montana camp in the early 20th century.

Blackfoot Indian on horseback with blanket.  Note the tipis in the background.

Blackfeet Indian, Eagle Arrow

Colorized photo of Blackfeet Indian Chief Mountain.

Blackfeet Indian "Many Horns" depicted on a cigarette card from the 1920s

Blackfeet Indian 'Big Razor" depicted on a cigarette card.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Rare Blackfeet Indian Color Tinted Photographs

 Rare Blackfeet Indian Color Tinted Photographs

Rare Blackfeet Indian photo was taken in 1898 of a young woman on the shore of a lake. For More Photos of Blackfeet Indian women Native American Indian Pictures and History: Blackfoot Women Photo Gallery (

Rare tinted photograph of a Blackfeet Indian camp. For more color photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp (

Rare color-tinted photograph of a Blackfoot Indian camp More color photos of Blackfeet (Blackfoot) Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp (

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Blackfeet Indians Historic Photo Gallery

 Blackfeet Indians Historic Photo Gallery

Blackfeet Indian Chicken Dancers, 1915

Blackfeet Indian Braves Color photo gallery of the Blackfoot Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Photo Gallery of the Blackfeet/ Blackfoot Indian Tipis and Camps (

Blackfoot Indian called Bear Shield

Blackfoot Indian Male (no date)

A Blackfoot Indian male called High Eagle. Example of traditional clothes and blanket.

Another photo of High Eagle

Blackfoot Indian called Duck Chief with his wife and granddaughter 

Duck Chief, Blackfeet Indians

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Favorite Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe

 Favorite Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet  Indian Tribe

Early 1900s photo of Blackfoot Indian Eagle Arrow photographed in Montana. For more photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Historic Photos of the Blackfoot/Blackfeet Indian Tribe (

1910 photograph of Blackfoot Indian  "Little Plume" More great color photos of the Blackfeet Indians  Native American Indian Pictures and History: Photo Gallery of the Blackfeet/ Blackfoot Indian Tipis and Camps (

1913 Photo by Roland Reed titled, "The Eagle." Depicting Blackfoot Indians at Glacier National Park.

Believed to be Little Bear Chief photographed in 1891

1916 photo of a Blackfoot Indian man in Glacial National Park in Montana.

Blackfoot Indian Princess,  Photo by Roland Reed, 1915.

1890 Studio photo of a Blackfoot Indian woman and child taken in Calgary, Canada.

Blackfoot Indian woman "Dawn Mist".

1902 photo of a  Blackfoot man with a medicine wheel photographed in Montana. 

A Blackfoot Indian at Glacier National Park in Montana.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indians

 Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indians

Color-tinted photograph of the Blackfoot Indian called Weasel Tail. More great color photos of the Blackfeet (Blackfoot) Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Color Tinted Photographs of the Blackfeet Indian Women and Children in their Camp (

Color-tinted photograph of the Blackfoot Indian called New Chest taken in 1895

Friday, September 4, 2020

Blackfoot Indian in Glacial National Park in 1916

Blackfoot Indian in Glacial National Park in 1916

                        Colorized photograph of a Blackfoot (Blackfoot) Indian in Glacial National Park in 1916 For more color photos of the Blackfeet (Blackfoot) Indians  Native American Indian Pictures and History: Rare Blackfeet Indian Color Tinted Photographs (

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Blackfeet Indian Tipis in Color

Blackfeet Indian Tipis in Color

colorized photo of Blackfeet Indian tipis More photographs of the Blackfeet Indians

Monday, June 8, 2020

Paintings of the Blackfoot Indians

Paintings of the Blackfoot Indians

Painting of a Blackfoot Indian Boy Color photos of the Blackfeet Indians Native American Indian Pictures and History: Photo Gallery of the Blackfeet/ Blackfoot Indian Tipis and Camps (

Painting of A Blackfoot Indian warrior

Painting of the Blackfoot Indian called Big Bull

Painting of the Blackfoot (Blackfeet) Indian Morning Bird

Painting of a Blackfoot Indian woman called Mountian Flower

Painting of a Blackfoot Indian from Glacial National Park

Painting of a Blackfoot (Blackfeet) Indian woman called Long Time Pipe Woman

Painting (art) of a Blackfoot (Blackfeet) Indian woman

Painting of a Blackfoot Indian

Painting of a Blackfoot Indian (Blackfeet Indian)

 Blackfoot Indian art

Blackfoot Indians (Blackfeet Indians) man called Little Dog art painting

Painting called Gold Woman of the Blackfoot (Blackfeet Indian) tribe