Showing posts with label camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camp. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Arapaho Indians of the Great Plains - Native American Tribe Historic Photo Gallery

 Arapaho Indians of the Great Plains -  Native American Tribe Historic Photo Gallery

1899 painting of an Arapaho Indian warrior

18851890 photo of an Arapaho Indian boy holding a revolver.

Arapaho Indian woman

Arapaho Indian smoking a pipe.

1885 photo of Arapaho Indian, Black Wolf with a daughter.

Arapaho Indian's camp.

1868 photo of an Arapaho Indian camp.

Arapaho Indian women sitting outside of their tipi on the Great Plains.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Historic Apache Indian Village Photographs

Historic Apache Indian Village Photographs

Apache Indian family photographed outside their hut in Arizona in 1885.

Apache Indian camp taken in 1885.

This photo was captioned "Captive White Boy" whose name was Santiago McKinn. The photo was taken in Arizona in 1884.

Apache Indian Dancers from 1886 in Arizona.

Apache Indian woman working in the camp.  Photo taken in 1916

Three Apache Indian males photographed outside their huts in 1886 in Arizona

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

About the Cheyenne Indian Tribe


A Short History of the Cheyenne Indians
    This nation has received a variety of names from travellers and the neighboring tribes, as Shyennes, Shiennes, Cheyennes, Chayennes, Sharas, Shawhays, Sharshas, and by the different bands of Dakotas, Shaí-en-a or Shai-é-la. With the Blackfeet, they are the most western branch of the great Algonkin family. When first known, they were living on the Chayenne or Cayenne River, a branch of the Red River of the North, but were driven west of the Mississippi by the Sioux, and about the close of the last century still farther west across the Missouri, where they were found by those enterprising travelers Lewis and Clark in 1803. On their map attached to their report they locate them near the eastern face of the Black Hills, in the valley of the great Sheyenne River, and state their number at 1,500 souls." Their first treaty with the United States was made in 1825, at the mouth of the Teton River. They were then at peace with the Dakotas, but warring against the Pawnees and others. Were then estimated, by Drake, to number 3,250.
     During the time of Long's expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819 and 1820, a small portion of the Cheyennes seem to have separated themselves from the rest of their nation on the Missouri, and to have associated themselves with the Arapahoes who wandered about the tributaries of the Platte and Arkansas, while those who remained affiliated with the Ogalallas, these two divisions remaining separated until the present time. Steps are now being taken, however, to bring them together on a new reservation in the Indian Territory.
    Up to 1862, they were generally friendly to the white settlers, when outbreaks occurred, and then for three or four years a costly and bloody war was carried on against them, a notable feature of which was the Sand Creek or Chivington massacre, November 29, 1864. "Since that time there has been constant trouble. * * * In '67, General Hancock burned the village of the Dog Soldiers, on Pawnee Fork, and another war began, in which General Custer defeated them at Washita, killing Black Kettle and 37 others." The northern bands have been generally at peace with the whites, resisting many overtures to join their southern brethren.
Cheyenne Indian Chief Three Fingers

Young Cheyenne Indian Woman

Cheyenne Indians Destroying a Railroad

Captured Cheyenne Indians

Cheyenne Indian Woman Drying Meat

Cheyenne Indian Photo

Cheyenne Indian Warrior

Cheyenne Indian Tree Burials

Cheyenne Indian Tipi or House

Cheyenne Indian Summer Camp

Cheyenne Indian Pow Wow

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Artistic Photographs of the Plains Indians

Artistic Photographs of the Plains Indians

An Imperial Warrior

The Attack on the Camp

An Indian Home

An Indian Burden Bearer

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Crow Indian Tribe Colorized Photo Gallery

The Crow Indian Tribe Colorized Photo Gallery

Agnes Yellow Tail photographed at the turn of the last century

Crow Indian woman and young child.

Crow Indian children photographed horseback.

Crow Indian children photographed circa 1900. The colorized photo provides insight into how color coordinated the children were clothed.

Crow Indian setting up camp. The woman on the ladder is putting on the stitching for the doorway. The woman seated is organizing the pillows and blankets for the interior.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rare Color Historical Photo Gallery of  Blackfoot Indian Camps

Blackfoot Indian camp on the Montana reservation -  circa 1910. 

Blackfoot Indian Tipi on the Montana reservation.

Sundown at the Blackfoot Indian camp

Blackfoot Indian horses graze at dusk in the foreground, in the background the lighted tee pees are visible.

Blackfoot Indian men ride in to camp on horses

Photograph of the Blackfoot Indian camp in the distance, while their horses graze on the open pastures.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Photo Gallery Of the Arikara Indian Tribe

Photo Gallery Of the Arikara Indian Tribe

1908 Edward Curtis photo an Arikara Indian man wearing a bear skin. 

1874 photo of George Custer entitled, "Custer Kills a Bear," with Arikara Indians

1909 photo of Arika Indian called Buffalo Bull Neck wearing a buffalo headdress.

Arika Medicine lodge photographed in North Dakota in 1909

1909 photo of Arikara women photographed at their summer camp.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Rare Historic Colorized Photographs of the Crow Indians

Rare Historic Colorized Photographs of the Crow Indians

Crow Indian women photogrpahed on horseback outside of their camp in Montana

Crow Indian women photographed outside of their camp in Montana

Crow Indian photographed around the turn of the century in Montana

Colorized photo of a Crow Indian woman

Crow Indian dancers taken around the turn of the century in Montana