Showing posts with label spirit world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit world. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Native American Shamans (Priests). Contacting the Spirit World

 Native American Shamans (Priests). Contacting the Spirit World

Kwakiutl Indians of the Pacific Northwest. Dancer representing Paqusilahl (“man of the ground embodiment”), a wild man of the woods.
Kwakiutl Indians, isiutl, one of the main dancers in the Winter Dance ceremonies, wearing a double-headed serpent mask and shirt made of hemlock boughs.

Pacific Northwest Indian shaman dressed as a "Woods Spirit."

Navajo Indian "Witch" Shaman

Navajo Indian Medicine Man with mask

British Columbia, Dancer wearing raven mask with a coat of cormorant skins during the numhlin ceremony.