Showing posts with label praying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praying. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2020

Sioux Indian Religion; Praying to the Great Mystery

Sioux Indian Religion; Praying to the Great Mystery

Sioux Indian's religion: Slow Bull, full-length portrait, facing front, holding the pipebuffalo skull at his feet
"Prayer to the Mystery" Oglala Sioux man, Picket Pin, wearing breechcloth, holding pipe with 

mouthpiece pointing skyward, buffalo skull at his feet.

Sioux Indian's religion: Slow Bull, full-length portrait, facing front, holding a pipe, buffalo skull at his feet.

Sioux Indian religion. praying to the Great Mystery.  Slow Bull, squatting, wearing 

, holding pipe with the mouthpiece pointing skyward, buffalo skull at his feet.

Sioux Indian Religion. The photograph shows Saliva, an Oglala Sioux priest, dressed for the Hu 

Kalowa Pi ceremony.