Showing posts with label head dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label head dress. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Ogala Lakota Sioux Headdress Picture Gallery

 Ogala Lakota Sioux Headdress Picture Gallery

Ogala Lakota Sioux Indians with headdresses photographed on an international tour in Germany in 1928.

Ogala Sioux couple photographed in Germany in 1928.

Ogala Lakota Sioux couple in traditional dress and headdress in Germany in 1928.

Lakota Ogala Sioux family with traditional  headdress and bead work photographed in 1928

Lakota family photographed in Germany in 1929 with traditional headdress and bead work on their clothing and shoes.

Two Lakota Ogala Sioux men photographed in front of a tipi wearing headdresses.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Arapaho Indian Ceremonial Clothing and Dancers

Historic Photos of the Arapaho Indian Tribe

Arapaho Indian, Black Otter photographed in 1898

Arapaho Indian Dancer With Body Paint Taken in 1890

Arapaho Indian Dancers with Ceremonial Costumes Taken in 1890

Arapaho Indian Dress from 1898

Arapaho Indian Head Dress. The Photo is of Yellow Calf taken in 1898

Arapaho Indian, Black Horse with Feathers in his Hair, taken in 1898

Arapaho Indian Man, Taken in theLate 1800's with Clothing Showing Bead Work

Monday, February 13, 2012

Omaha Indian Images

Native American Omaha Indian Pictures and Images

Omaha Indians

Omaha Indian Lodge

Omaha Indian Women

Omaha Indian Swear Lodge

Omaha Indian Sweat Lodge

Omaha Indian Clothes and Head Dress

Omaha Indian Hunting

Omaha Indian Family

Omaha Indian Boys as Cadets

Omaha Indian Clothes

Omaha Indian Scouts

Omaha Indian

Omaha Indian Moccasin

Omaha Indian Tipi on the Nebraska  Reservation

Omaha Indian Photograph

Omaha Indian Warriors.  Learn About the Omaha Indian Corn Dance Here