Showing posts with label Quebec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quebec. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Iroquois Origins at Hochelaga at Present day Montreal and Quebec

Iroquois Origins at Hochelaga at Present day Montreal and Quebec

    Hurons, Iroquois and Tuscaroras, point to the lower St. Lawrence as the earliest known abode of their stock. [Footnote: See Cusick, History of the Six Nations, p. 16; Colden, Hist, of the Five Nations, p. 23; Morgan, League of the Iroquois, p. 5; J.V.H. Clark, Onondaga, vol. I, p. 34; Peter D. Clarke, Hist. of the Wyandots. p. I.] Here the first explorer, Cartier, found Indians of this stock at Hochelaga and StadaconĂ©, now the sites of Montreal and Quebec. Centuries before his time, according to the native tradition, the ancestors of the Huron-Iroquois family had dwelt in this locality, or still further east and nearer to the river's mouth. As their numbers increased, dissensions arose. The hive swarmed, and band after band moved off to the west and south. As they spread, they encountered people of other stocks, with whom they had frequent wars.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Favorite photos of the Iroquois Indian Tribe

Favorite photos of the Iroquois Indian Tribe

Iroquois family photographed at Niagra Falls in the 1920s

Late 1870s photo of the Iroquois, John Wampum.  Many of the Iroquois were very tall.

Little is known about this photo exept for the title, Onondaga Indian and Cabin

Onondaga Indian children photographed in 1870 at a reservation on Lake George, New York

Seneca Iroquois woman photographed  in the 1890s. 

Old postcard from Quebec of a Iroquois Mohawk Indian. Date unknown

The title says this is Pretty Flower, who was a Seneca Iroquois. Date of photo was 1908.