Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Native American Pictures of the Nez Perce Tribe

Native American Pictures of the Nez Perce Tribe

Nez Perce Indians depicted in early drawing

Nex Perce Indian Chief

Nez Perce Indian Baby

Nez Perce Indian Warrior on Horseback

Nez Perce Indian Chiefs

Sunday, October 2, 2011

American Indian Burial Pictures

American Indian Burial Pictures

Indian Burial Ground with Skeletons Exposed in Oregon

Algonquin Indian Burial Ground

Tree burial of the Oglala Sioux

Scaffold Burial of Dakota Sioux

Indian Burial Death Face

Choctaw Indian Burial on a Scaffold

Sioux Indian Burial Scaffold

American Sioux Inidan Indian Burial Ceremony

Indian burials a St. Augustine, Florida  after being excavated by archaeologist

American Indian woman mourning the dead.  The largest Native American Mound Builders site is here

Native American Beads and Dress

Native American Beads and Dress

American Indian Dress

Wichita Women In Summer Dress

Hopi Woman Dressing an Unmarried Girl

Eastern Woodlands Dress

Native American Chippewa showing beadwork in sash from Minnesota

Sioux chief with beaded necklace and purse

Indian strings of beads and wampum

More on American Indian Dress, Beads and Moccasins Here

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Miami Indian Tribe's Pictures and Illustrations

Miami Indians Pictures and Illustrations

Miami Indian Wigwam

Miami Indian Chief Little Turtle

Miami Indian Illustration

Miami Indians Raiding a Cabin

Miami Indian Chief Pecan

Miami Indian Chief Little Turtle

Anthony Wayne Defeats the Miami Indians at Fallen Timbers

Miami Indians Little Turtle Fort Wayne, 1778

Miami Indians Massacre of General Harmer at Present Fort Wayne, Indiana

Miami Indian Chief Godfrey

General Harmer's Defeat and Massacre by the Miami Indians at Present Day Fort Wayne Indiana

Miami Indian Chief from early 1800s

Miami Indian Chief form 1836

Miami Indian Chief with War Club

Miami Indian Chief

Miami Indian Chief Richardsville Who Sold the Miami Indians Land Before They Were Removed From Indiana.

Massacre on the Wabash: The Miami Indian Defeat of St. Claire
Kekionga (Fort Wayne) Miami Indian Capital City
Miami Indian Lands Illustrated