Showing posts with label Choctaw tribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choctaw tribe. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

American Indian Burial Pictures

American Indian Burial Pictures

Indian Burial Ground with Skeletons Exposed in Oregon

Algonquin Indian Burial Ground

Tree burial of the Oglala Sioux

Scaffold Burial of Dakota Sioux

Indian Burial Death Face

Choctaw Indian Burial on a Scaffold

Sioux Indian Burial Scaffold

American Sioux Inidan Indian Burial Ceremony

Indian burials a St. Augustine, Florida  after being excavated by archaeologist

American Indian woman mourning the dead.  The largest Native American Mound Builders site is here

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Native American Pictures of the Choctaw Indian Tribe

Choctaw Photographs and Illustrations

Early depiction of a Choctaw warrior

Choctaw Dress

Choctaw Indians on the Reservation

Choctaw Indian Girls

Choctaw Indian Code Talkers from WWII

Choctaw Indian Girl

Choctaw Indian Princess

Historic Painting of Choctaw Village

Choctaw Indian Hair

Painting of a Choctaw Woman