Showing posts with label Native American women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Native American women. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Native American Women Paintings by George Catlin

 Native American Women Paintings by George Catlin

Sioux Indian woman painted by George Catlin

George Catlin painting of Comanche Indian girls

George Catlin painting of a Cree Indian woman

George Catlin painting of a Creek Indian woman

George Catlin Arikara Indian woman

George Catlin Native American painting of an Arikara Indian woman

George Catlin Assiniboine Woman and Child, 1832

George Catlin Native American painting of an Assiniboine Indian woman

Monday, July 13, 2020

Native American Sioux Women Depicted in Paintings

Native American Women Paintings

This is believed to be a Sioux Indian woman depicted in this historic painting.  More Sioux photo galleries here

Sioux Indian women gathering food in this historic painting

Sioux Indian women collecting water in this historic painting

Sioux Indian woman gathering firewood in this historic painting

Sioux Indian woman with horse in this historic painting

Sioux Indian woman gathering flowers in this historic painting

Sioux Indian girl with her pony in this historic painting