Showing posts with label Chinook Indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinook Indian. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2012

Chinook Indian English Translation Guide



~Above~, ságh-a-lie.
~Absolve~, mam'-ook stoh.
~Acorns~, káh-na-way.
~Across~, in'-a-ti.
~Afraid~, kwass.
~After, Afterwards~, kim'-ta.
~Again~, weght.
~All~, kon'-a-way.
~Alms~, e'-la-han, or e-lann'.
~Also~, weght.
~Although~, kégh-tchie.
~Always~, kwáh-ne-sum.
~American~, Boston.
~Amusement~, hee'-hee.
~And~, pee.
~Anger, Angry~, sol'-leks.
~Apple~, le pome.
~Apron~, kéh-su, or ki'-su.
~Arbutus uva ursi~, lahb.
~Arrive at~, ko.
~Arrow~, ka-li'-tan.
~As if~, káh-kwa spose.
~At~, ko'-pa.
~Aunt~, kwal'h.
~Awl~, shoes keep'-wot.
~Axe~, la-hash'.


~Bad~, me-sáh-chie; pe-shuk'.
~Bag~, le sak.
~Ball~, le bal.
~Bargain~, máh-kook; húy-húy.
~Bark~, s'ick-skin.
~Barrel~, ta-mo'-litsh.
~Basket~, o'-pe-kwan.
~Beads~, ka-mo'-suk.
~Bear~ (black), chet'-woot; its'woot; (grizzly), si-am'.
~Beat, to~, kok'-shut.
~Beaver~, ee'-na.
~Because~, kéh-wa.
~Become, to~, cháh-ko.
~Bed~, bed.
~Before~, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
~Behind~, kim'-ta.
~Bell~, tin'-tin.
~Belly~, ya-kwáh-tin.
~Below~, kee'-kwil-lie.
~Belt~, la san-jel'.
~Berries~, o'-lil-lie; o'-lal-lie.
~Best~, e'-lip closhe.
~Bird~, kal-lak'-a-la.
~Biscuit~, le bis'-kwee.
~Bitter~, klihl.
~Black~, klale.
~Blackberries~, klik'-a-muks.
~Blanket~, pa-see'-sie.
~Blind~, ha'-lo se-áh-host.
~Blood~, pil-pil.
~Blow out~, mam'-ook poh.
~Blue~ (light), spo'-oh.
~Blue~ (dark), klale.
~Blunder, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Board~, la plash.
~Boat~, boat.
~Bob-tailed; a bob-tailed horse~, sis'-ki-you.
~Boil, to~, lip'-lip.
~Bone~, stone.
~Borrow, to~, a-yáh-whul.
~Bosom~ (female), to-toosh.
~Both~, kun'-a-moxt.
~Bottle~, la-boo-ti'.
~Bow~, o'-pitl-kegh.
~Bowl~, oos'-kan.
~Box~, la ca-sett'.
~Bracelet~, klik'-wal-lie.
~Brave~, skoo'-kum tum'-tum.
~Bread~, le pan.
~Break, to~, kok'-shut.
~Breasts~, to-toosh'.
~Breech clout~, o'-poots sill.
~Bridle~, la bleed.
~Bright~, to-wágh.
~Broad~, kluk-ulh'.
~Broom~, bloom.
~Brother~, káhp-ho, if elder than the speaker;
           ow, if younger. Male cousins the same.
~Brother-in-law~, ek'-keh.
~Bucket~, ta-mo'-litsh.
~Buffalo~, moos'-moos.
~Bullet~, le bal; ka-li'-tan.
~Bundle~, kow.
~But~, pe.
~Butter~, to-toosh' la-kles'.
~Buttons~, tsil'-tsil.
~Buy, to~, máh-kook.
~By-and-by~, win'-a-pie.


~Candle~, la shan-del'.
~Carrot~, la ca-lat'.
~Carry, to~, lo' lo.
~Cart~, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
~Cascade~, tum' wa-ter.
~Castrate, to~, mahsh stone.
~Cat~, puss'-puss.
~Cataract~, tum' wa-ter.
~Cattle~, moos'-moos.
~Certainly~, na-wit'-ka.
~Chain~, la shen; chik'a-min lope.
~Chair~, la shase.
~Cheat, to~, la-láh.
~Chicken~, la pool.
~Chief~, ty-ee'.
~Child~, ten'-as.
~Clams~, o'-na; luk'-ut-chee; la-kwit'-chee.
~Clams~, the large kind, smet-ocks.
~Clear up, to~, cháh-ko klah.
~Cloth~ (cotton), sail.
~Clouds~, smoke.
~Coat~, ca-po'.
~Coffee~, kau'-py.
~Cold~, cole; tshis.
~Comb~, comb.
~Comb, to~, mam'-ook comb.
~Come, to~, cháh-ko.
~Confess, to~, yi'-em.
~Conjuring~, ta-máh-no-us.
~Cook, to~, mam'-ook pi'-ah.
~Copper~, pil chik'-a-min.
~Cord~, ten'-as lope.
~Corn~, _e-salt'h', _or ye-salt'h'.
~Corral~, kul-lágh.
~Cotton goods~, sail.
~Cough~, hoh'-hoh.
~Count, to~, mam'-ook kwun'-nun.
~Cousin~, see brother and sister.
~Coyote~, tal'-a-pus.
~Crab apple~, pow'-itsh.
~Cranberry~, so'-le-mie.
~Crazy~, pel'-ton.
~Cream colored~, le clem.
~Crooked~, ki'-wa.
~Cross~, la clo-a'.
~Crow~, káh-kah.
~Cry, to~, cly.
~Cup~, oos'-kan.
~Curly~, hunl'-kih.
~Cut, to~, tl'ko'-pe.


~Dance, to~, tanse.
~Dark, darkness~, po'-lak-lie.
~Day~, sun.
~Dead~, mem'-a-loost,
~Deaf~, ik-poo'-ie kwil-lan.
~Dear~, hy'-as máh-kook.
~Deep~, klip.
~Deer~, mow'-itsh.
~Demon~, skoo'-kum.
~Devil~, di-aub'; yaub; le-jaub'.
~Different~, hul-o'-i-ma.
~Difficult~, kull.
~Dig, to~, mam'-ook il'-la-hie.
~Dime~, bit, or mit.
~Do, to~, mam'-ook.
~Doctor~, doc'-tin.
~Dog~, kam'-ooks.
~Dollar~, dol'-la, or táh-la.
~Door~, la po'te.
~Down stream~, mi'-mie.
~Drink, to~, muck'-a-muck.
~Drive, to~, kish'-kish.
~Drunk~, páht-lum.
~Dry~, de-ly'.
~Duck~ (Mallard), kwéh-kweh; háht-haht.
~Dust~, po'-lal-lie.


~Eagle~, chak'-chak.
~Ear~, kwo-lann'.
~Early~, ten'-as sun.
~Earn, to~, to'-lo
~Earth~, il'-la-hie.
~Eat, to~, muck'-a-muck.
~Egg~, le sap'; le zep'.
~Eight~, sto'-te-kin.
~Elk~, moo'-lock.
~Enclosure~, kul-lágh.
~English~, king chautsh.
~Englishman~, king chautsh.
~Enough~, hi-yu'; ko-pet'.
~Entreiils~, ki-yágh.
~Evening~, ten'-as po'-lak-lie.
~Every~, kon'-a-way.
~Exchange~, húy-huy.
~Eyes~, se-áh-host.


~Face~, se-áh-host.
~Faded~, spo'-oh.
~Falsehood~, klim-in'-a-whit.
~Far~, si-áh.
~Fast~ (quick), hy-ak'.
~Fast~ (tight), kwutl.
~Fasten, to~, kow.
~Fat~, glease.
~Father~, pa'-pa.
~Fathom~, it'-lan.
~Fear~, kwass.
~Fell, to~ (as a tree), mam'-ook whim.
~Fence~, kul-lágh.
~Fetch, to~, mam'-ook cháh-ko.
~Fever~, waum sick.
~Few~, ten'-as.
~Fight, to~, mam'-ook sol'-leks.
~Fight, with fists~, mam'-ook puk'-puk.
~Figured~ (as calico), tzum.
~File~, la leem.
~Fill, to~, mam'-ook pahtl.
~Find, to~, klap.
~Fingers~, le doo.
~Fire~, pi'-ah; o-la-pits'-ki.
~First~, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
~Fish~, pish.
~Fish-hook~, ik'-kik.
~Five~, kwin'-num.
~Flea~, so'-pen e'-na-poo; cho'-tub.
~Flesh~, itl'-wil-lie.
~Flint~, kil-it'-sut.
~Flour~, sap'-o-lill.
~Fly, to~, ka-wak'.
~Fog~, smoke.
~Food~, muck'-a-muck.
~Fool~, pel'-ton.
~Foolish~, pel'-ton.
~Foot~, le-pee'.
~Forever~, kwáh-ne-sum.
~Forget, to~, máh-lie.
~Fork~, la poo-shet'.
~Formerly~, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
~Four~, _lak'-it, _or lok'-it.
~Fowl~, la pool.
~French~, Frenchman, pa-si'-ooks.
~Friend~, sikhs, or shikhs.
~Frog~, shwáh-kuk.
~Fry~, to, mam'-ook la po-el'.
~Frying-pan~, la po-el'.
~Full~, pahtl.
~Fundament~, o'-poots.


~Gallop, to~, kwa-lal'-kwa-lal'.
~Gather, to~, ho'-ku-melh.
~Get, to~, is'-kum.
~Get out~, mahsh.
~Get up~, get-up',-or ket-op'.
~Ghost~, skoo'-kum.
~Gift~, cul'-tus pot'-latch.
~Give, to~, pot'-latch.
~Glad~, kwann.
~Go, to~, klat'-a-wa.
~God~, ságh-a-lie ty-ee'.
~Gold~, pil chik'-a-min.
~Good~, klose, or kloshe.
~Good-bye~, kla-how'-ya.
~Goods~, ik'-tah.
~Goose~, whuy'-whuy; kal-ak-a-láh-ma.
~Grandfather~, chope.
~Grandmother~, chitsh.
~Grease~, la-kles'; glease.
~Green~, pe-chugh'.
~Grey; a grey horse~, le gley.
~Grizzly bear~, si-am'.
~Ground~, il'-la-hie.
~Gun; musket~, suk'-wa-lal.


~Hair~, yak'-so.
~Half~, sit'-kum.
~Hammer~, le máh-to.
~Hand~, le máh.
~Hand~ (game of), it'-lo-kum.
~Handkerchief~, hak'-at-shum.
~Hard~, kull.
~Hare~, kwit'-shad-ie.
~Harrow, to~, mam'-ook comb il'-la-hie.
~Hat~, se-áh-po; se-áh-pult.
~Haul~, haul.
~Hazel-nuts~, tuk'-wil-la.
~He, his~, yáh-ka.
~Head~, la tet.
~Heart~, tum'-tum.
~Heaven~, ságh-il-lie il'-la-hie.
~Heavy~, till.
~Help, to~, mam'-ook e-lann'.
~Here~, yuk'-wa.
~Hermaphrodite~, bur'-dash.
~Hide, to~, ip'-soot.
~High~, ságh-a-lie.
~Hit, to~, kwul'h.
~Hoe~, la pe-osh'.
~Hog~, co'-sho.
~Hole~, kla-whap'.
~Holiday~, sunday.
~Horn~, stone.
~Horse~, kiu'-a-tan.
~House~, house.
~How~, káh-ta.
~How are you~, kla-how'-ya.
~How many~, kun'-sih; kun'-juk.
~Hundred~, tuk-a-mo'-nuk.
~Hungry~, o'-lo.
~Hurry~, howh; hy-ak'.


~I~, ni-ka.
~If~, spose.
~In~, ko'-pa.
~Indian~, si'-wash.
~In shore~, máht-wil-lie.
~Iron~, chik'-a-min.
~It~, yáh-ka.


~Jealous~, sick tum'-tum.
~Jump, to~, so'-pe-na.


~Kam-ass root~, la'-ka-mass.
~Kettle~, ket-ling.
~Kick, to~, chuk'-kin.
~Kiss, to kiss~, be'-be.
~Knife~, o'-pit-sah.
~Knock, to~, ko'-ko.
~Knotty~, hunl'-kih.
~Know, to~, kum'-tuks.


~Lame~, klook te-áh-wit.
~Lamprey eel~, skwak'-wal,
~Language~, la lang.
~Large~, hy-as'.
~Lately~, chee.
~Laughter~, hee'-hee.
~Lazy~, lazy.
~Leap, to~, so'-pe-na.
~Leaf~, tup'-so, or tip'-so.
~Lean, to~, lagh.
~Leave, to~, mahsh.
~Leave off, to~, ko-pet'.
~Leg~, te-áh-wit.
~Leggings~, mi-tass'.
~Lend, to~, a-yáh-whul
~Lick, to~, klak'-wun.
~Lie, to~, klim-in'-a-whit.
~Like~, káh-kwa.
~Like, to~, tik-égh.
~Little~, ten'-as.
~Long~, youtl'-kut.
~Long ago~, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
~Look, to~, nan'-itsh.
~Look here!~ nah.
~Look out!~ klose nan'-itsh.
~Looking-glass~, she-lok'-um.
~Loose~, stoh.
~Lose the way, to~, tso'-lo; tsee-pie' way-hut.
~Louse~, e'-na-poo, or in'-a-poo.
~Love, to~, tik-égh.


~Magic~, ta-máh-no-us.
~Make, to~, mam'-ook.
~Man~, man.
~Many~, hy-iu'.
~Marry, to~, mal-i-éh.
~Mass~ (Ceremony of), la messe.
~Mast~, ship stick.
~Mat~, klis'-kwiss.
~Mattock~, la pe-osh'.
~Measure, to~, tah'-nim.
~Meat~, itl'-wil-lie.
~Medicine~, la mes'-tin.
~Mend, to~, mam'-ook tip'-shin.
~Menstruate, to~, mahsh pil'-pil.
~Metal, metallic~, chik'-a-min.
~Middle, the~, kat'-suk, or kot'-suk.
~Midnight~, sit'-kum po'-lak-lie.
~Milk~, to-toosh'.
~Mill~, moo'-la.
~Mind, the~, tum'-tum.
~Miss, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Mistake, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Moccasins~, skin-shoes.
~Molasses~, mel-ass'.
~Money~, chik'-a-min.
~Month~, moon.
~Moon~, moon.
~More~, weght.
~Mosquito~, mel'-a-kwa.
~Mother~, mama; na'-ah.
~Mountain~, la mon'-ti.
~Mouse~, hool'-hool.
~Mouth~, la boos.
~Much~, hy-iu'.
~Mule~, le mel.
~Musical Instrument~, tin'-tin.
~Musket~, musket.
~Mussels~, to'-luks.
~My, mine~, ni'-ka.


~Nails~, le cloo. ~Name~, nem; yah-hul. ~Near~, wake si-áh. ~Neck~, le cou. ~Needle~, keep'-wot. ~New~, chee. ~Night~, po'-lak-lie. ~Nine~, kwaist, or kweest. ~No, not~, wake. ~Noise~, la tlah. ~None~,ha'-lo. ~Nonsense~, cul'-tus wau'-wau. ~Noon~, sit-kum sun. ~Nose~, nose. ~Notwithstanding~, kégh-tchie. ~Now~, al'-ta. ~Numerals—~ 1, ikt. 2, mokst. 3, klone. 4, lakit. 5, kwinnum. 6, taghum. 7,sinnamokst. 8, stotekin. 9, kwaist. 10, tahtlelum. 11, tahtlelum pe ikt 20, mokst tahtlelum. 100, ikt takarnonuk. ~Nuts~, tuk'-wil-la.


~Oak~, kull stick.
~Oar~, la lahm; la lum.
~Oats~, la wen.
~Off~, klak.
~Off shore~, máht-lin-nie
~Oil~, glease.
~Old~, o'-le-man.
~Old man~, o'-le-man.
~Old woman~, lam'-mi-eh.
~One~, ikt.
~One-eyed~, ikt se-áh-host.
~Open~, háh-lakl.
~Opposite to~, in'-a-ti.
~Or~, pe.
~Order, to~, mahsh tum'-tum.
~Other~, hul-o'-i-ma.
~Otter~ (land), ne-mam'-ooks.
~Our~, ne-si'-ka.
~Out doors~, klágh-a-nie.
~Ox~, moos'-moos.
~Oyster~, chet'-lo, or jet'-lo; klógh-klogh.


~Paddle, a~, is'-ick.
~Paddle, to~, mam'-ook is'-ick.
~Paint~, pent.
~Paint, to~, mam'-ook pent.
~Paper~, péh-pah.
~Peas~, le pwau.
~People~, til'-i-kum.
~Perhaps~, klo-nas'.
~Petticoat~, kal-a-kwah'-tie.
~Piebald~, le kye.
~Pin~, kwek'-wi-ens.
~Pipe~, la peep.
~Pitch~, la gome.
~Plate~, la si-et'.
~Pleased~, youtl.
~Plough~, le shal-loo'.
~Plough, to~, klugh il'-la-hie.
~Pole~, la pehsh.
~Poor~, kla-how'-yum; ha'-lo ik'-ta.
~Pork~, co'-sho.
~Posteriors~, o'-poots.
~Potato~, wap'-pa-too.
~Pour, to~, wagh.
~Powder~, po'-lal-lie.
~Prairie wolf~, tal'-a-pus.
~Presently~, al'-kie; win'-a-pie
~Pretty~, to'ke-tie.
~Priest~, le plet.
~Proud~, youtl; kwetl'h.
~Provided that~, spose.
~Pull~, haul.


~Quarter~, ten'-as sit'-kum.
~Quarter~ (of a dollar), kwah-ta.
~Quick~, hy-ak'.
~Quills~, te-péh.


~Rabbit~, kwit'-shad-ie.
~Rain~, snass.
~Rattle~, shugh.
~Rattlesnake~, shugho'-pools.
~Razor fish~, o'-na.
~Reach~, ko.
~Red~, pil.
~Relate, to~, yi'-em.
~Return, to~, kel'-i-pi.
~Ribbon~, le lo'-ba.
~Rice~, lice.
~Rifle~, cal'-li-peen.
~Ring, a~, kwéo-kwéo.
~Ripe~, pi'-ah.
~River~, chuck.
~Road~, way'-hut.
~Roan colored~, san'-de-lie.
~Roast~, mam'-ook la pel-lah'.
~Rock~, stone.
~Rope~, lope.
~Rotten~, poo'-lie.
~Round~, lo'-lo.
~Rudder~, boat o'-poots.
~Rum~, lum.


~Sack~, le sak.
~Saddle~, la sell.
~Saddle housings~, le pish'-e-mo.
~Sail~, sail.
~Sailor~, ship'-man.
~Salmon~, salmon.
~Salt~, salt.
~Sand~, po'-lal-lie.
~Sash~, la san-jel'.
~Saw~, la gwin; la scie.
~Say, to~, wau'-wau.
~Scissors~, le see'-zo.
~Sea~, salt-chuck.
~Seal~, ol'-hi-yu si'-wash co'-sho.
~See, to~, nan'-itsh.
~Sell, to~, máh-kook.
~Seven~, sin'-a-moxt.
~Sew, to~, mam'-ook tip'-shin.
~Shake, to~, to-to; hul'-lel.
~Shame~, shem.
~Sharp~, yáh-kis-ilt'h.
~Sharpen, to~, mam'-ook tsish.
~She, her~, yah-ka.
~Sheep~, le moo'-to.
~Shell money~ (the small size), coop-coop; (the large), hy-kwa.
~Shingle~, le-báh-do.
~Shining~, to-wágh.
~Ship~, ship.
~Shirt~, shut.
~Shoes~, shoes.
~Shoot, to~, mam'-ook poo.
~Short~, yútes-kut.
~Shot~, shot; ten'-as le bal.
~Shot pouch~, ka-li-tan le-sac'; tsole'-pat.
~Shout, to~, hy'-as wau'-wau.
~Shovel~, la pell.
~Shut, to~, ik-poo'-ie.
~Sick~, sick.
~Sift, to~, to-to.
~Silk~, la sway.
~Silver~, t'kope chik'-a-min.
~Similar~, káh-kwa.
~Since~, kim-ta.
~Sing, to~, shan'-tie.
~Sister~, káhp-ho, if older than the speaker; ats, if younger.
~Sit, to~, mit'-lite.
~Six~, tógh-um.
~Skin~, skin.
~Skunk~, hum o'-poots; piu'-piu; skub'-e-you.
~Sky~, koo'-sagh.
~Slave~, e-li'-te; mist'-shi-mus.
~Sleep~, moo'-sum.
~Slowly~, kláh-wa.
~Small~, ten'-as.
~Smell, a~, humm.
~Smoke~, smoke.
~Snake~, o'-luk.
~Snow~, snow; cole snass.
~Soap~, soap.
~Soft~, klim'-min.
~Sorrel colored~, a sorrel horse, le blau.
~Sorry~, sick tum'-tum.
~Sour~, kwates.
~Spade~, la pell.
~Speak, to~, wau'-wau.
~Spill, to~, wagh.
~Spirits~, lum.
~Split~, tsugh.
~Split, to~, mam'-ook tsugh.
~Spectacles~, dol'-la se-ágh-ost, or lak-it se-agh-ost.
~Spit, to~, mam'-ook toh.
~Split, to become~, cháh-ko tsugh.
~Spoon~, spoon.
~Spotted~, le kye; tzum.
~Spurs~, le see'-blo.
~Squirrel~, skwis'-kwis.
~Stab, to~, klem'-a-hun.
~Stand, to~, mit'-whit.
~Stars~, tsil'-tsil.
~Stay, to~, mit'-lite.
~Steal, to~, kap-su-al-la.
~Steam~, smoke.
~Steamer~, pi'-ah ship.
~Stick, a~, stick.
~Stink, a~, piú-piú; humm.
~Stirrup~, sit'-lay.
~Stockings~, stock'-en; kush-is'.
~Stone~, stone.
~Stop, to~, ko-pet'.
~Store~, máh-kook house.
~Story~, eh-káh-nam.
~Straight~, de-láte, or de-let'; si'-pah.
~Strawberries~, a-mo'-te.
~Strong~, skoo'-kum.
~Sturgeon~, stutch'-un.
~Sugar~, le sook; shu'-gah; shu'-kwa.
~Summer~, waum il'-la-hie.
~Sun~, sun; óte-lagh.
~Sunday~, sunday.
~Sunset~, klip sun.
~Suppose~, spose.
~Swan~, káh-loke.
~Sweep, to~, mam'-ook bloom.
~Sweet~, tsee.
~Swim~, sit'-shum.


~Table~, la tahb.
~Tail~, o'-poots.
~Take, to~, is'-kum.
~Take care~! klose nan'-itsh.
~Take off~, or ~out~, mam'-ook klak; mahsh.
~Tale~, or ~story~, yi'-em; eh-káh-nam.
~Talk, to~, wau'-wau.
~Tame~, kwass.
~Tea~, tea.
~Teach, to~, mam'-ook kum'-tuks.
~Tear, to~, klugh.
~Teeth~, le táh.
~Tell, to~, wau'-wau.
~Ten~, táht-le-lum.
~Testicles~, stone.
~Thank you~, máh-sie.
~That~, o'-koke.
~That way~, yáh-wa.
~There~, yáh-wa; ko-páh.
~They~, klas'-ka.
~Thick~ (as molasses), pit'-lilh.
~Thin~ (as a board), p'chih; pe-what'-tie.
~Thing~, ik'-tah.
~This~, o'-koke.
~This way~, yuk'-wa.
~Thou, thy, thine~, mi'-ka.
~Thread~, kla-píte.
~Three~, klone.
~Throw away~, mahsh.
~Tide~, see chuck.
~Tie, to~, kow.
~Tight~, kwutl.
~Tinware~, ma-láh.
~Tip, to~, lagh.
~Tired~, till.
~To, towards~, ko'-pa.
~Tobacco~, ki'-nootl; ki'-noos.
~To-morrow~, to-mol'-la.
~Tongue~, la lang.
~Trail~, way'-hut.
~Trap~, la piége.
~Tree~, stick.
~Tree, fallen~, whim stick.
~Trot, to~, téh-teh.
~Trowsers~, sa-kol'-eks.
~True~, de-láte.
~Truth~, de-láte wau'-wau.
~Tub~, ta-mo'-litsh.
~Twine~, ten-as lope; kla-píte.
~Two, twice~, mokst.


~Uncle~, tot.
~Under~, kee'-kwil-lie.
~Understand, to~, kum'-tuks.
~Unhappy~, sick tum'-tum.
~Untamed~, le-mo'-lo.
~Untie, to~, mam'-ook stoh; mahsh kow.
~Up~, ságh-a-lie.
~Upset, to~, kel'-i-pi.
~Us~, ne-si'-ka.


~Venereal, the~, pi'-ah sick.
~Venison~, mow'-itsh.
~Very~, hy-as'.
~Vessel~, ship.
~Vest~, la west.
~Vomit, to~, wagh.


~Wagon~, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
~Wander, to~, tso'-lo.
~Want, to~, tik-égh.
~Warm~, waum.
~Wash, to~, mam'-ook wash.
~Watch, a~, tik'-tik.
~Water~, chuck.
~Waterfall~, tum'-water.
~We~, ne-si'-ka.
~Weigh, to~, mam'-ook till.
~Wet~, pahtl chuck.
~Whale~, eh'-ko-lie; kwáh-nice, kwad'-dis.
~What~, ik'-tah.
~Wheat~, sap'-o-lill.
~Wheel~, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
~When~, kan'-sih; kun-juk.
~Where~, kah.
~Whip~, le whet.
~White~, t'kope.
~Who~, klak'-sta.
~Whole~, lo'-lo.
~Why~, káh-ta.
~Wicked~, me-sáh-chie.
~Wide~, kluk-ulh'.
~Wild~, le mo'-lo.
~Will, the~, tum'-tum.
~Willow~, ee'-na stick.
~Win, to~, to'-lo.
~Wind~, wind.
~Winter~, cole il'-la-hie.
~Wipe, to~, klak'-wun.
~Wire~, chik'-a-min lope.
~Wish, to~, tik-égh.
~With~, ko'-pa.
~Without~, ha'-lo.
~Wolf~, le-loo'.
~Woman~, klootsh'-man.
~Woman~ (old), lam'-mi-eh.
~Wood, wooden~, stick.
~Work, to~, mam'-ook.
~Worn out~, o'-le-man.
~Worthless~, cul'-tus.
~Wound, to~, klem'-a-hun.
~Write, to~, mam'-ook péh-pah; mam'-ook tzum.
~Writing~, tzum.


~Year~, ikt cole.
~Yellow~, kaw'-ka-wak.
~Yes~, áh-ha; e-éh.
~Yes indeed~, na-wit'-ka.
~Yesterday~, táhl-kie; táhl-kie sun.
~You, your, yours~, me-si'-ka.
~Young~, ten'-as.

Monday, March 26, 2012

About the Chinook Indian Tribes

About the Chinook Indian Tribes

     The language of the Chinook tribe, upon which the family name was based, was derived from the mouth of the Columbia. As now understood the family embraces a number of tribes, speaking allied languages, whose former homes extended from the mouth of the river for some 200 miles, or to The Dalles. According to Lewis and Clarke, our best authorities on the pristine home of this family, most of their villages were on the banks of the river, chiefly upon the northern bank, though they probably claimed the land upon either bank for several miles back. 66Their villages also extended on the Pacific coast north nearly to the northern extreme of Shoalwater Bay, and to the south to about Tillamook Head, some 20 miles from the mouth of the Columbia.
Lower Chinook:Upper Chinook:
Population.—There are two hundred and eighty-eight Wasco on the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon, and one hundred and fifty on the Yakama Reservation, Washington. On the Grande Ronde Reservation, Oregon, there are fifty-nine Clackama. From information derived from Indians by Mr. Thomas Priestly, United States Indian Agent at Yakama, it is learned that there still remain three or four families of “regular Chinook Indians,” probably belonging to one of the down-river tribes, about 6 miles above the mouth of the Columbia. Two of these speak the Chinook proper, and three have an imperfect command of Clatsop. There are eight or ten families, probably also of one of the lower river tribes, living near Freeport, Washington.
Some of the Watlala, or Upper Chinook, live near the Cascades, about 55 miles below The Dalles. There thus remain probably between five and six hundred of the Indians of this family.