Showing posts with label Athapascan tribes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Athapascan tribes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Description of the Athabascan Indians


Description of the Athabascan Indians 

Few linguistic families on the continent can compare in geographical distribution with that known as the Athabascan, Chepewyan or Tinné. Of these synonyms, I retain the first, as that adopted by Buschmann, who proved, by his laborious researches, the kinship of its various branches. These extend interruptedly from the Arctic Sea to the borders of Durango, in Mexico, and from Hudson Bay to the Pacific.
In British America this stock lies immediately north of the Algonkins, the dividing line running approximately from the mouth of the Churchill river on Hudson Bay to the mouth of the Fraser, on the Pacific. To the north they are in contact with the Eskimos and to the west with the tribes of the Pacific coast. In this wide but cold and barren area they are divided into a number of bands, without coherence, and speaking dialects often quite unlike. The Loucheux have reached the mouth of the Mackenzie river, the Kuchin are along the Yukon, the Kenai on the
 ocean about the peninsula that bears their name, while the Nahaunies, Secaunies and Takullies are among the mountains to the south. The Sarcees lived about the southern head-waters of the Saskatchewan, while other bands had crossed the mountains and wandered quite to the Pacific coast, where they appear as Umpquas near Salem, Oregon; as Tututenas on Rogue river; and in California as Hupas, on and about Trinity river. These are but a small fraction of the great southern migration of this stock. The Navajos belong to it, and the redoubted Apaches, who extended their war parties far into Mexico, and who were the main agents in destroying the civilization which ages ago began to reveal fair promise in the valleys of the Gila and its affluents, and who up to very recent years defied alike the armies of both Mexico and the United States. Their southern migrations beyond the valley of the Gila probably do not date far back, that is, much beyond the conquest. Although the Mexican census of 1880 puts the Mexican Apaches at ten thousand, no such number can be located. Orozco y Berra mentions one of their tribes in Chihuahua, which he calls Tobosos; but Spanish authors refer to these as living in New Mexico in 1583. The only Apache band now known to be in Mexico are the Janos or Janeros in Chihuahua, made up of Lipans and Mescaleros. (Henshaw.)
Wherever found, the members of this group present a certain family resemblance. In appearance they are tall and strong, the forehead low with prominent superciliary ridges, the eyes slightly oblique, the nose prominent but wide toward the base, the
 mouth large, the hands and feet small. Their strength and endurance are often phenomenal, but in the North at least their longevity is slight, few living beyond fifty. Intellectually they rank below most of their neighbors, and nowhere do they appear as fosterers of the germs of civilization. Where, as among the Navajos, we find them having some repute for the mechanical arts, it turns out that this is owing to having captured and adopted the members of more gifted tribes. Their temperament is inclined to be gloomy and morose; yet in spite of their apparent stolidity they are liable to panic terrors, to epidemic neuroses, temporary hallucinations and manias—a condition not at all rare among peoples of inferior culture.
Nowhere do we find among them any form of government. Their chiefs are chosen without formality, either on account of their daring in war or for their generosity in distributing presents. The office is not hereditary, there is rarely even any war chief, their campaigns being merely hurried raids. A singular difference exists as to their gentile systems, and their laws of consanguinity. Usually it is counted in the female line only. Thus among the Takullies of the north a son does not consider his father any relation, but only his mother and her people. When a man dies, all his property passes to his wife’s family. The totems are named from animals, and as usual a wife must be selected from another totem. This does not stand in the way of a son being united to his father’s[71] sister, and such a marriage is often effected for property reasons. Among the Sarcees the respect for a mother-in-law is so great that her son-in-law dares not sit at a meal with her, or even touch her, without paying a fine. Among the Navajo and Apache tribes the son also follows the gens of the mother, while in the Umpqua and Tutu branches in Oregon he belongs to that of his father. In all the southern tribes the gens is named from a place, not an animal. Marriage is polygamous at will, wives are obtained by purchase, and among the Slave Indians the tie is so lax that friends will occasionally exchange wives as a sign of amity. Usually the position of the woman is abject, and marital affection is practically unknown; although it is said that the Nahaunies, a tribe of eastern Alaska, at one time obeyed a female chief.
The arts were in a primitive condition. Utensils were of wood, horn or stone, though the Takully women manufactured a coarse pottery, and also spun and wove yarn from the hair of the mountain goat. Agriculture was not practised either in the north or south, the only exception being the Navajos and with them the inspiration came from other stocks. The Kuchin of the Yukon make excellent bark canoes, and both they and their neighbors live in skin tents of
 neatly dressed hides. Many of the tribes of the far north are improvident in both clothing and food, and cannibalism was not at all uncommon among them.
The most cultured of their bands were the Navajos, whose name is said to signify “large cornfields,” from their extensive agriculture. When the Spaniards first met them in 1541 they were tillers of the soil, erected large granaries for their crops, irrigated their fields by artificial water courses or acequias, and lived in substantial dwellings, partly underground; but they had not then learned the art of weaving the celebrated “Navajo blankets,” that being a later acquisition of their artisans.
In their religions there was the belief in deified natural forces and in magic that we find usually at their stage of culture. The priests or shamans were regarded with fear, and often controlled the counsels of the tribe. One of their prevalent myths was that of the great thunder-bird often identified with the raven. On the Churchill river it was called Idi, and the myth related that from its brooding on the primeval waters the land was brought forth. The myth is found too widespread to be other than genuine. The Sarcees seem to have had some form of solar worship, as they called the sun Our Father and the earth Our Mother.
The Navajos, who have no reminiscence of their ancestral home in the north, locate the scene of their creation in the San Juan mountains, and its date about seven centuries ago. Their story is that the
 first human pair were formed of the meal of maize brought by the gods from the cliff houses in the cañons.
The Athabascan dialects are usually harsh and difficult of enunciation. In reducing them to writing, sixty-three characters have to be called on to render the correct sounds. There is an oral literature of songs and chants, many of which have been preserved by the missionaries. The Hupas of California had extended their language and forced its adoption among the half-dozen neighboring tribes whom they had reduced to the condition of tributaries.
  • Apaches, in Arizona, Chihuahua, Durango, etc.
  • Ariquipas, in southern Arizona.
  • Atnahs, on Copper river, Alaska.
  • Beaver Indians, see Sarcees.
  • Chepewyans, north of the Chipeways.
  • Chiricahuas, in southern Arizona.
  • Coyoteros, in southern Arizona.
  • Hupas, in California, on Trinity river.
  • Janos, in Chihuahua, near Rio Grande.
  • Jicarillas, in northern New Mexico.
  • Kenais, on and near Kenai peninsula, Alaska.
  • Kuchins, on Yukon and Copper rivers, Alaska.
  • Lipans, near mouth of Rio Grande (properly, Ipa-ndé).
  • Loucheux, on lower Mackenzie river; most northern tribe.

  • Mescaleros, in New Mexico, W. of Rio Grande.
  • Montagnais, north of Chipeways.
  • Nahaunies, on Stickine and Talton rivers, Alaska.
  • Navajos, northern New Mexico and Arizona.
  • Sarcees, on upper Saskatchewan and at Alberta.
  • Sicaunies, on upper Peach river.
  • Slaves, on upper Mackenzie river.
  • Tacullies, head waters of the Fraser river, Brit. Col.
  • Tinné, synonym of Athabascan.
  • Tututenas, on Rogue river, Oregon.
  • Umpquas, Pacific coast near Salem, Oregon.

Monday, March 26, 2012

About the Athapascan Indian Tribes including the Apache

Athapscan Indian Tribes including the Apache

The boundaries of the Athapascan family, as now understood, are best given under three primary groups—Northern, Pacific, and Southern.
53Northern group.—This includes all the Athapascan tribes of British North America and Alaska. In the former region the Athapascans occupy most of the western interior, being bounded on the north by the Arctic Eskimo, who inhabit a narrow strip of coast; on the east by the Eskimo of Hudson’s Bay as far south as Churchill River, south of which river the country is occupied by Algonquian tribes. On the south the Athapascan tribes extended to the main ridge between the Athapasca and Saskatchewan Rivers, where they met Algonquian tribes; west of this area they were bounded on the south by Salishan tribes, the limits of whose territory on Fraser River and its tributaries appear on Tolmie and Dawson’s map of 1884. On the west, in British Columbia, the Athapascan tribes nowhere reach the coast, being cut off by the Wakashan, Salishan, and Chimmesyan families.
The interior of Alaska is chiefly occupied by tribes of this family. Eskimo tribes have encroached somewhat upon the interior along the Yukon, Kuskokwim, Kowak, and Noatak Rivers, reaching on the Yukon to somewhat below Shageluk Island, and on the Kuskokwim nearly or quite to Kolmakoff Redoubt. Upon the two latter they reach quite to their heads. A few Kutchin tribes are (or have been) north of the Porcupine and Yukon Rivers, but until recently it has not been known that they extended north beyond the Yukon and Romanzoff Mountains. Explorations of Lieutenant Stoney, in 1885, establish the fact that the region to the north of those mountains is occupied by Athapascan tribes, and the map is colored accordingly. Only in two places in Alaska do the Athapascan tribes reach the coast—the K’naia-khotana, on Cook’s Inlet, and the Ahtena, of Copper River.
Pacific group.Unlike the tribes of the Northern group, most of those of the Pacific group have removed from their priscan habitats since the advent of the white race. The Pacific group embraces the following: Kwalhioqua, formerly on Willopah River, Washington, near the Lower Chinook; Owilapsh, formerly between Shoalwater Bay and the heads of the Chehalis River, Washington, the territory of these two tribes being practically continuous; Tlatscanai, formerly on a small stream on the northwest side of Wapatoo Island. Gibbs was informed by an old Indian that this tribe “formerly owned the prairies on the Tsihalis at the mouth of the Skukumchuck, but, on the failure of game, left the country, crossed the Columbia River, and occupied the mountains to the 54south”—a statement of too uncertain character to be depended upon; the Athapascan tribes now on the Grande Ronde and Siletz Reservations, Oregon, whose villages on and near the coast extended from Coquille River southward to the California line, including, among others, the Upper Coquille, Sixes, Euchre, Creek, Joshua, Tutu tûnnĕ, and other “Rogue River” or “Tou-touten bands,” Chasta Costa, Galice Creek, Naltunne tûnnĕ and Chetco villages;the Athapascan villages formerly on Smith River and tributaries, California; those villages extending southward from Smith River along the California coast to the mouth of Klamath River; the Hupâ villages or “clans” formerly on Lower Trinity River, California;  the Kenesti or Wailakki (2), located as follows: “They live along the western slope of the Shasta Mountains, from North Eel River, above Round Valley, to Hay Fork; along Eel and Mad Rivers, extending down the latter about to Low Gap; also on Dobbins and Larrabie Creeks;” and Saiaz, who “formerly occupied the tongue of land jutting down between Eel River and Van Dusen’s Fork.”
Southern group.Includes the Navajo, Apache, and Lipan. Engineer José Cortez, one of the earliest authorities on these tribes, writing in 1799, defines the boundaries of the Lipan and Apache as extending north and south from 29° N. to 36° N., and east and west from 99° W. to 114° W.; in other words from central Texas nearly to the Colorado River in Arizona, where they met tribes of the Yuman stock. The Lipan occupied the eastern part of the above territory, extending in Texas from the Comanche country (about Red River) south to the Rio Grande.  More recently both Lipan and Apache have gradually moved southward into Mexico where they extend as far as Durango.
The Navajo, since first known to history, have occupied the country on and south of the San Juan River in northern New Mexico and Arizona and extending into Colorado and Utah. They were surrounded on all sides by the cognate Apache except upon the north, where they meet Shoshonean tribes.
A. Northern group:
Tahl-tan (1).
B. Pacific group:
Chasta Costa.
Dakube tede (on Applegate Creek).
Euchre Creek.
Kălts’erea tûnnĕ.
Kenesti or Wailakki.
Micikqwûtme tûnnĕ.
Mikono tûnnĕ.
Taltûctun tûde (on Galice Creek).
Tcêmê (Joshuas).
Tcĕtlĕstcan tûnnĕ.
Tutu tûnnĕ.
C. Southern group:
Pinal Coyotero.
Population.The present number of the Athapascan family is about 32,899, of whom about 8,595, constituting the Northern group, are in Alaska and British North America, according to Dall, Dawson, and the Canadian Indian-Report for 1888; about 895, comprising the Pacific group, are in Washington, Oregon, and California; and about 23,409, belonging to the Southern group, are in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Indian Territory. Besides these are the Lipan and some refugee Apache, who are in Mexico. These have not been included in the above enumeration, as there are no means of ascertaining their number.
Northern group.—This may be said to consist of the following:
Ah-tena (1877)364?
Ai-yan (1888)250
Al-ta-tin (Sicannie) estimated (1888)500
of whom there are at Fort Halkett (1887)
of whom there are at Fort Liard (1887)78
Chippewyan, Yellow Knives, with a few Slave and Dog Rib at Fort Resolution
Dog Rib at Fort Norman133
Dog Rib, Slave, and Yellow Knives at Fort Rae
Hare at Fort Good Hope364
56Hare at Fort Norman103
Kai-yuh-kho-tána (1877), Koyukukhotána (1877), and Unakhotána (1877)
K’nai-a Khotána (1880)250?
Kutchin and Bastard Loucheux at Fort Good Hope
Kutchin at Peel River and La Pierre’s House
Kutchin on the Yukon (six tribes)842
Nahanie at Fort Good Hope8
Nahanie at Fort Halkett (including Mauvais Monde, Bastard Nahanie, and Mountain Indians)
Nahanie at Fort Liard38
Nahanie at Fort Norman43
Nahanie at Fort Simpson and Big Island (Hudson Bay Company’s Territory)
Slave, Dog Rib, and Hare at Fort Simpson and Big Island (Hudson Bay Company’s Territory)
Slave at Fort Liard281
Slave at Fort Norman84
Tenán Kutchin (1877)700?
To the Pacific Group may be assigned the following:
Hupa Indians, on Hoopa Valley Reservation, California
Rogue River Indians at Grande Ronde Reservation, Oregon
Siletz Reservation, Oregon (about one-half the Indians thereon)
Umpqua at Grande Ronde Reservation, Oregon
Southern Group, consisting of Apache, Lipan, and Navajo:
Apache children at Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Apache prisoners at Mount Vernon Barracks, Alabama
Coyotero Apache (San Carlos Reservation)
Jicarilla Apache (Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado)
Lipan with Tonkaway on Oakland Reserve, Indian Territory
Mescalero Apache (Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico)
Na-isha Apache (Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Reservation, Indian Territory)
Navajo (most on Navajo Reservation, Arizona and New Mexico; 4 at Carlisle, Pennsylvania)
San Carlos Apache (San Carlos Reservation, Arizona)
White Mountain Apache (San Carlos Reservation, Arizona)
White Mountain Apache (under military at Camp Apache, Arizona)