Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Best Colorized Photographs of Native Americans of the Ojibwa, Blackfeet, Crow, Cheyenne, Sikiska Indians

Best Colorized Photographs of Native Americans of the Ojibwa, Blackfeet, Sikiska Indians

Cheyenne Indian reservation from 1906

1879 photo of Crow Indians

1903 color photo of an Ojibwa tipi  

Ojibwa Indian girl collecting maple in this color photo

Ojibwa Indian woman in traditional dress in this colorized photograph

Ojibwa Indian in a canoe returning to camp in this colorized photo

1900s color photo of a Sikiska Indian

Siksika Indian woman and child in this color photo from the early 1900s

Siksika Indian camp and tipi in this color photo

Blackfeet Indian color photo from the northern Plains in the early 1900s More historic photos of the Blackfeet Indians https://nativeamericanhistoryandphotographs.blogspot.com/2014/01/blackfoot-indians-life-and-culture.html

Blackfeet Indians camp color photo from the early 1900s

Blackfeet Indian children photographed in this colorized photo   

   Blackfeet Indians photographed in this colorized print

Blackfeet Indian woman and child in this colorized photo from the early 1900s

Blackfeet Indian gazing at the Old Man River

Blackfeet Indian family colorized photo from the early 1900s

Blackfeet Indians on horseback colorized photo from 1902

Blackfeet Indians tanning a hide in this colorized print