Sunday, June 7, 2020

Colorized Photographs of the Sioux Indian Tribe

Colorized Photographs of the Sioux Indian Tribe

Sioux Indian tipis in Minnesota More Sioux Indian photographic galleries 

Jack Red Cloud Oglala Lakota Sioux Native American Indian 1904

Sioux Indian Chief

Oglala Sioux Indian called Young  Man Afraid of His Horses

Sioux Indian photographed with horse and tipis in the background

Bear Foot Chief Sioux Indian Tribe

Oglala Sioux Indian Cheif Red Cloud photographed in 1880

Oglala Sioux Indian Cheif Red Cloud in this colorized photographs

Cheif Black Chicken of theYankton Sioux Tribe

Sioux Indian Cheif Red Cloud in this colorized photographs

Sioux Indian who was a survivor of the Wounded Knee Battle