Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Location of Indian Burial Grounds in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Location of Indian Burial Grounds in Fort Wayne, Indiana

November 1899 Fort Wayne article describing the finds of Indian burials when they were contructing the Methodist College.

Three prominent Indian burying-grounds have been disclosed. One occu- 
pied the series of sand hills in the west end of Fort Wayne, another on the St.
Joseph, just north of Fort Wayne, and near the site of the old Miami town, and
a third at Cedarville, on the banks of the St. Joseph. Probably other localities
will yet develop them, but these arc the most prominent, and a vast number must
have found their resting-place in these three localities. At the latter place, a
large hewn cross of oak was exhumed several years since, indicating that at least
a temporary mission was established there at an early date, of which no history
exists, and which was probably abandoned and its cross buried on account of the
superstition of the Indians, who, in their relapse from the faith, attached some
Superstitious dread to the sacred emblem.

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To the east of Garden and Washington Street the sand hills that were the spot of numerous Indian burials is still evident.  One of the most prestiges Pottawatomie Chiefs Metea is buried at this spot. A trip to this site with divining rods marked at least 4 burials along the alley east of Garden Street.  This Indian burial site has no historical markers.