Monday, March 26, 2012

About the Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy

Map showing the location of Iroquois Tribes in the Confederacy
Unlike most linguistic stocks, the Iroquoian confederacy did not occupy a continuous area, but when first known to Europeans were settled in three distinct regions, separated from each other by tribes of other lineage. The northern group was surrounded by tribes of Algonquian stock, while the more southern groups bordered upon the Catawba and Maskoki.
A tradition of the Iroquois confederacy points to the St. Lawrence region as the early home of the Iroquoian tribes, whence they gradually moved down to the southwest along the shores of the Great Lakes.
When Cartier, in 1534, first explored the bays and inlets of the Gulf of St. Lawrence he met a Huron-Iroquoian people on the shores of the Bay of GaspĂ©, who also visited the northern coast of the gulf. In the following year when he sailed up the St. Lawrence River he 78found the banks of the river from Quebec to Montreal occupied by an Iroquoian people. From statements of Champlain and other early explorers it seems probable that the Wyandot once occupied the country along the northern shore of Lake Ontario.
The Conestoga, and perhaps some allied tribes, occupied the country about the Lower Susquehanna, in Pennsylvania and Maryland, and have commonly been regarded as an isolated body, but it seems probable that their territory was contiguous to that of the Five Nations on the north before the Delaware began their westward movement.
As the Cherokee were the principal tribe on the borders of the southern colonies and occupied the leading place in all the treaty negotiations, they came to be considered as the owners of a large territory to which they had no real claim. Their first sale, in 1721, embraced a tract in South Carolina, between the Congaree and the South Fork of the Edisto,but about one-half of this tract, forming the present Lexington County, belonging to the Congaree. In 1755 they sold a second tract above the first and extending across South Carolina from the Savannah to the Catawba (or Wateree),  but all of this tract east of Broad River belonged to other tribes. The lower part, between the Congaree and the Wateree, had been sold 20 years before, and in the upper part the Broad River was acknowledged as the western Catawba boundary. In 1770 they sold a tract, principally in Virginia and West Virginia, bounded east by the Great Kanawha,  but the Iroquois claimed by conquest all of this tract northwest of the main ridge of the Alleghany and Cumberland Mountains, and extending at least to the Kentucky River,  and two years previously they had made a treaty with Sir William Johnson by which they were recognized as the owners of all between Cumberland Mountains and the Ohio down to the Tennessee.  The Cumberland River basin was the only part of this tract to which the Cherokee had any real title, having driven out the former occupants, the Shawnee, about 1721.  The Cherokee had no villages north of the Tennessee (this probably includes the Holston as its upper part), and at a conference at Albany the Cherokee delegates presented to the Iroquois the skin of a deer, which they said belonged to the Iroquois, as the animal had been killed north of the Tennessee. n In 1805, 1806, and 1817 they sold several tracts, mainly in 79middle Tennessee, north of the Tennessee River and extending to the Cumberland River watershed, but this territory was claimed and had been occupied by the Chickasaw, and at one conference the Cherokee admitted their claim. The adjacent tract in northern Alabama and Georgia, on the headwaters of the Coosa, was not permanently occupied by the Cherokee until they began to move westward, about 1770.
The whole region of West Virginia, Kentucky, and the Cumberland River region of Tennessee was claimed by the Iroquois and Cherokee, but the Iroquois never occupied any of it and the Cherokee could not be said to occupy any beyond the Cumberland Mountains. The Cumberland River was originally held by the Shawnee, and the rest was occupied, so far as it was occupied at all, by the Shawnee, Delaware, and occasionally by the Wyandot and Mingo (Iroquoian), who made regular excursions southward across the Ohio every year to hunt and to make salt at the licks. Most of the temporary camps or villages in Kentucky and West Virginia were built by the Shawnee and Delaware. The Shawnee and Delaware were the principal barrier to the settlement of Kentucky and West Virginia for a period of 20 years, while in all that time neither the Cherokee nor the Iroquois offered any resistance or checked the opposition of the Ohio tribes.
The Cherokee bounds in Virginia should be extended along the mountain region as far at least as the James River, as they claim to have lived at the Peaks of Otter,  and seem to be identical with the Rickohockan or Rechahecrian of the early Virginia writers, who lived in the mountains beyond the Monacan, and in 1656 ravaged the lowland country as far as the site of Richmond and defeated the English and the Powhatan Indians in a pitched battle at that place.
The language of the Tuscarora, formerly of northeastern North Carolina, connect them directly with the northern Iroquois. The Chowanoc and Nottoway and other cognate tribes adjoining the Tuscarora may have been offshoots from that tribe.
Population.The present number of the Iroquoian confederacy is about 43,000, of whom over 34,000 (including the Cherokees) are in the United States while nearly 9,000 are in Canada. Below is given the population of the different tribes, compiled chiefly from the 80Canadian Indian Report for 1888, and the United States Census Bulletin for 1890:
Cherokee Confederacy :
Cherokee and Choctaw Nations, Indian Territory (exclusive of adopted Indians, negroes, and whites)
Eastern Band, Qualla Reservation, Cheowah, etc., North Carolina (exclusive of those practically white)
Lawrence school, Kansas6
Caughnawaga, Quebec1,673
Grand River, Ontario972?
With Seneca, Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory (total 255)
Cattaraugus Reserve, New York165
Other Reserves in New York36
Of Lake of Two Mountains, Quebec, mainly Mohawk (with Algonquin)
With Algonquin at Gibson, Ontario (total 131)
Quinte Bay, Ontario1,050
Grand River, Ontario1,302
Tonawanda, Onondaga, and Cattaraugus Reserves, New York
Oneida and other Reserves, New York295
Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin (“including homeless Indians”)
Carlisle and Hampton schools104
Thames River, Ontario778
Grand River, Ontario236
Onondaga Reserve, New York380
Allegany Reserve, New York77
Cattaraugus Reserve, New York38
Tuscarora (41) and Tonawanda (4) Reserves, New York
Carlisle and Hampton schools4
Grand River, Ontario346
With Cayuga, Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory (total 255)
Allegany Reserve, New York862
Cattaraugus Reserve, New York1,318
Tonawanda Reserve, New York517
Tusarora and Onondaga Reserves, New York
Lawrence, Hampton, and Carlisle schools
Grand River, Ontario206
81St. Regis:
St. Regis Reserve, New York1,053
Onondaga and other Reserves, New York17
St. Regis Reserve, Quebec1,179
Tuscarora Reserve, New York398
Cattaraugus and Tonawanda Reserves, New York
Grand River, Ontario329
Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory288
Lawrence, Hampton, and Carlisle schools
“Hurons” of Lorette, Quebec279
“Wyandots” of Anderdon, Ontario98
The Iroquois of St. Regis, Caughnawaga, Lake of Two Mountains (Oka), and Gibson speak a dialect mainly Mohawk and Oneida, but are a mixture of all the tribes of the original Five Nations.